Acceleration and Reinvention of Business Through Digital Transformation – Jul 2020

Within the month of July, Business Ireland Kenya hosted one thematic webinar.

Our July webinar explored the ways in which businesses today are continually adapting through a radical rethinking of their processes, people, and use of technology to fundamentally improve business performance.

Mr. Ben Roberts shared remarks on the Liquid Telecom journey noting the areas of health technology, entertainment, gaming, and education as key opportunities in the digital industry. Mr. Tony Wood highlighted the MyDawa journey emphasizing the merging of technology and health to enhance efficiency across chain supplies while guaranteeing quality service.

It was noted that digital transformation is a journey that involves evaluating business systems, formulating renewed strategies, and working together to adapt to changing landscapes with key advice from the session including:

  • Make use of digital innovations and platforms that are readily available to transform your business
  • Take time to evaluate your business, evaluate your objective in order to select the right digital tools for you
  • Digital skills are for everyone.

Contact us at to learn more about our Half-year membership offer and to view recordings from previous sessions.