What makes Kenya Competitive for Trade and Investment?

Kenya is the largest and most advanced economy in East and Central Africa and generally perceived as the regional hub for Financial, Communication and Transportation services.

Kenya’s strong growth prospects include:

  1. Strong and steady economic growth rate
  2. Significant transformation of infrastructure
  3. Strategic location: Great regional and international connectivity
  4. Significant agricultural resources
  5. Access to local (EAC) and regional market blocs (COMESA)
  6. Well-established private sector
  7. Growing middle income population
  8. Well-educated workforce—ranked as one of the highest in sub-Saharan Africa in terms of quality
  9. Generation of leading technological innovations for developing markets
  10. Improvement in availability and reduction in energy costs
  11. Low investment risk: According to Fortune Magazine, Kenya is the seventh most attractive emerging market in which to do business globally